Monday, May 28, 2012


I am all for democracy. It lets us know that we have a say in how our country is governed and in our futures. In the last general elections in Trinidad & Tobago, the people wanted a change (and rightly so) the then ruling PNM leader (Mr Patrick Manning) had lost his bloody marbles and was making a set of half assed decisions in the running of the country. General Elections were called and the people voted. The change that the people wanted was the coalition government of the People's Partnership. It was the opinion of myself as well as alot of others that this new government had no clear direction and were flying by the seat of their pants. Time and time again since their ascension into government, these people have proven that they are not thinking of the people that voted them into office or even the other citizens of this country that didn't, they are thinking of only their needs and 'fire bun' the rest of us. It might be argued that all governments serve their own purposes and 'steal' from the people. The thing, to me at least that was 'supposed' to be different about this government was their promise of being for the people of this country and to be finally putting the citizens first. To this writer, I have seen little to no evidence of this. The price of the basic necessities have gone up (sugar is now $5 a lb and flour is now $4.50 a lb). Crime has not been dealt with in the least with drastic actions like the curfew being put in place while our oh so "smart" and i use that phrase very sarcastically, scrambled to come up with a short term, stop gap plan to 'appease' the masses. This member of the mass was not appeased or satisfied. Another area in which this government planned to 'better' our lives was in the area of health care. I, again have seen very little evidence of this and with news surfacing now of 300 ill equipped Indian nurses to be brought in to "help fill the need" in our health care system. Reports are also surfacing that she plans to slash the salaries of the local nurses, and she also plans to place these "Import Nurses" into hdc houses that were allegedly assigned to the nurses of this country, health care professionals and more importantly CITIZENS of this country. Come on people of T&T, open your eyes and see that what our 'loving' prime minister is doing is not to our benefit but to hers, and say something, do something. As citizens of this fair country we cannot allow this travesty to occur. Your voice is your strength. Use It!

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